The land body center

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The Land Body Center approach is rooted in the belief that the body is not separate from the soul. Instead, it is a vessel for the soul's expression in the physical world. When the body and soul are in alignment, people experience a deeper sense of harmony and balance.

The offerings at The Land Body Center support the release of physical and emotional tension and create space for the natural flow of energy in the body.

Schedule your sessions today.


The Land Body Center: Offerings

  • Pilates

  • Structure Alignment/Postural Education

  • Exercise rehabilitation

  • Tui Na Chinese Acupressure

  • Asian Body Therapy

Contact to book your first session.


Land Body Center Offerings with Nancy

For booking inquiries for Nancy, contact

Pilates Private Lessons
30 min $108
60 min $154

The Pilates Method combines mind and body equally and is a system of stretching and strengthening the whole body. Much of the method is done on special apparatus like the Reformer and Trapeze Table (Cadillac) using springs and the resistance of one’s own body weight.

Acupressure (Tui Na) Massage: Somatic Unwinding and Head and Neck Release 

30 min  $108
60 min $154

This treatment consists of “unwinding” the body by working on the acupressure points, while aligning the body with hands-on manipulations. The focus on the head and neck release opens up the meridian flow and activation of the neural pathways into the body.

Structure Alignment and Posture Education

30 min $108 
60 min $154

Private lessons in structural alignment and postural education for functional movement, rehabilitation and stress reduction. This technique can be executed by the client in any activity to adapt their movements in everyday life.

Customized Program for Pain and Stress Relief

30 min $108 
60 min $154

Are you experiencing discomfort or pain in your body? Have you tried exercise programs and healing modalities that have been helpful but haven’t fully shifted your mind and body as fully as you believe could happen?

Nancy teaches a set of principles and exercises that offer a dynamic yet intricate process that helps release pain, stress, and pressure build-up in your mind and body. You will experience relief from your mind-psyche and body pressure so your body can return to having more space for breath, freedom of movement, and release of long-term restrictions.

In-person or Zoom is available for creating a program designed just for you.


Ready to Schedule A Session?